As a member of the Athens State University Board of Trustees, I pledge to fulfill my fiduciary responsibilities as described below.
Duty of Care
I pledge, to the best of my ability, to give the same care and concern to my board responsibilities as to my personal responsibilities by:
- Participating in all Board meetings by preparing and participating effectively, I will treat fellow board members with mutual respect. I understand that consistent failure to attend meetings may result in my removal from the Board.
- Contributing to efforts to sustain the University mission, integrity, traditions, and values. Advancing initiatives that promote the University and influence others to be a part of its mission and realize goals.
- Participating in recruiting, approving, supporting, and evaluating the University president.
- Protecting fiscal integrity, approving the University budget, monitoring resources and productivity, and participating in fundraising including personal yearly contributions and advocacy.
- Participating when feasible in campus activities and acting as an engaged member of the campus community.
- Assisting with the university’s strategic direction. Trustees should give advice and share expertise freely, but they must understand and accept that not all such views will be adopted.
- Participating in the Board self-assessment process to improve Board performance.
Duty of Loyalty
I pledge, to the best of my ability, to place the interests of the University ahead of my own interests at all times by:
- Complying with the University’s conflict of interest policy, including the disclosure requirements. This includes notifying the Board Chair of any conflict of interest which may arise recusing oneself of votes where a personal interest may be at play.
- Refraining from asking the President or other University executives or academic officers or staff for special favors on behalf of myself, my family, or my friends.
- While disagreements may emerge in Board decision-making, I will, to the best of my ability, support the consensus decisions of this board once they are made.
Duty of Obedience
I pledge, to the best of my ability, to ensure that the University abides by all applicable laws (federal, state and local) and regulations and to support principles of equal opportunity and nondiscrimination for all students, faculty, and staff and board members.
Duty of Confidentiality
I pledge, to the best of my ability, to keep confidential any information designated as such and will not use the information I see or hear in the scope of my position for personal gain. I will strictly maintain confidentiality of the Board’s executive sessions, especially with respect to sensitive personnel matters.
Duty of Prudence
I pledge, to the best of my ability, to be aware of and consider risks and exercise caution in decision-making. I will handle matters with a high degree of professionalism and accountability.
Duty to Disclosure
I pledge, to the best of my ability, to be forthright in my speech and behavior by:
- Conducting myself in word and action from the perspective that we serve individually and collectively, the whole institution rather than any one part of it, any individual or group within it or outside of it, or in any partisan or political cause.
- Being aware of how we represent the University through our actions and words. The President and/or the Board Chair shall be made aware if apparent grievances or complaints have merit.
- Disclosing any true, pertinent information that could impact the decisions of other board members.